Fall is an excellent time in Lees Summit, MO to take care of the little things that can make a huge impact for you and your home. The best thing about these tasks is that they are in the average person’s ability.
However, if you choose to have a professional handle them, you’ll be glad that every coin counts. Here’s a practical guide to this year’s fall checklist.
Do it Yourself Indoor Care
– Change the Filters
Air conditioners get clogged during the summer. Furnace system filters also trap dust that could be deposited on your furniture. Clogged filters can make it difficult to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.
Also, it could lead to increased utility bills. Monthly cleaning is required to keep your filters breathing and clear of dust.
– Test Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors
When you set your clocks to spring forward and fall back, it’s best to test CO and smoke detectors. It’s best to do this before your furnace starts working this season. Ensure that all the sensors are functional. Change batteries in the detectors that aren’t connected to your home.
– Keep the Humidifier Humming
Clean the pads or plates to ensure that there’s efficient operation.
– Replace Burn-out Bulbs
Check all of your indoor bulbs and fixtures. Consider using timers to turn indoor lights on and off in the morning.
Do it Yourself Outdoor Care
– Mind Your Gutters
The roof’s system diverts water from your home’s exterior and the walls surrounding your foundation. It’s thus essential to keep your system flowing smoothly. Clogged gutters could also damage your exterior surface, not to mention result to water in your basement.
Blocked gutters are also prone to corrosion and rust. Clean the gutters and cover them with mesh to keep dirt from returning.
– Check Your Pipes
If you live in an area prone to freezing, take the strides to ensure that the in-ground irrigation systems don’t freeze and burst. Close the shut-off valves serving outside faucets. Open the outside faucet to empty the line.
– Apply Weather Stripping
Apply weather stripping at the joints where surfaces meet, such as doors and windows. This guarantees an airtight seal. You can find different types of weather-stripping each with its advantages and disadvantages. Vinyl tubing can be used indoors and in windows and it’s able to last for over five years.
Professional Services
– Have Your Furnace Inspected
It’s a good idea to have your heating system inspected once a year by a professional. Consider scheduling this task in early fall to avoid the last-minute rush.
Some of the signs to look out for include unusual whines or screeches as this could indicate worn out or damaged belts.
– Installation of Energy Efficient Exterior Products
You can save more energy this winter by investing in energy-efficient exterior products. Upgrading to Energy Star Certified Windows can have a significant impact on your utility bills.
The fall is an exciting time to prepare for winter. By implementing these tips, you’ll be able to save energy and cut down costs.